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Chapters of books

pdf V. Berthé, M. Rigo, Introduction, Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory, V. Berthé, M. Rigo (Eds), Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications 135, © Cambridge University Press (2010).
pdf V. Berthé, M. Rigo, Preliminaries (Chapter 1), Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory, V. Berthé, M. Rigo (Eds), Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications 135, © Cambridge University Press (2010).
pdf P. Lecomte, M. Rigo, Abstract numeration systems (Chapter 3), Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory, V. Berthé, M. Rigo (Eds), Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications 135, © Cambridge University Press (2010).

Published or accepted papers (in descending chronological order)

pdf N. Rampersad, M. Rigo, P. Salimov, A note on abelian returns in rotation words, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 528 (2014), 101--107.
pdf F. Durand, M. Rigo, Multidimensional extension of the Morse-Hedlund theorem, Europ. J. Combin. 34 (2013), 391-409.
pdf M. Rigo, P. Salimov, E. Vandomme, Some properties of abelian returns, J. of Integer Sequences 16 (2013) 13.2.5.
pdf A. Lacroix, N. Rampersad, M. Rigo, E. Vandomme, Syntactic Complexity of Ultimately Periodic Sets of Integers and Application to a Decision Procedure, Fundamenta Informaticae 116 (2012), 175--187.
pdf E. Charlier, A. Lacroix, N. Rampersad, Multi-dimensional sets recognizable in all abstract numeration systems, Theor. Inform. Appl. 46, 51--65.
E. Charlier, N. Rampersad, The growth function of S-recognizable sets, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 412 (2011), 5400--5408.
pdf M. Rigo, L. Waxweiler, Logical characterization of recognizable sets of polynomial over a finite filed, International J. Foundations of Computer Science 22 (2011), 1549--1563.
pdf E. Charlier, N. Rampersad, M. Rigo, L. Waxweiler, The minimal automaton recognizing mN in a linear numeration system, INTEGERS: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 11b (2011), #A4.
pdf E. Charlier, M. Le Gonidec, M. Rigo, Representing reals numbers in a generalized numeration system, J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 77 (2011), 743--759.
pdf E. Duchêne, M. Rigo, Invariant games, Theoret. Comp. Sci. 411 (2010), 3169--3180.
T. Kärki, A. Lacroix, M. Rigo, On the Recognizability of Self-Generating Sets, J. Integer Sequences, Article 10.2.2 (2010).
pdf E. Charlier, T. Kärki, M. Rigo, Multidimensional Generalized Automatic Sequences and Shape-symmetric Morphic Words, Discrete Math. 310 (2010), 1238--1252.
pdf E. Duchêne, A. Fraenkel, R. Nowakowski, M. Rigo, Extensions and restrictions of wythoff's game preserving wythoff's sequence as set of P positions, to appear in J. Combinat. Theory Ser. A 117 (2010), 545--567.
pdf J. Bell, E. Charlier, A. Fraenkel, M. Rigo, A Decision Problem for Ultimately Periodic Sets in Non-standard Numeration Systems, Int. J. Algebra and Computation 19 (2009), 809--839.
pdf F. Durand, M. Rigo, Syndeticity and independent substitutions, Advances in Applied Math. 42 (2009), 1--22.
pdf E. Duchêne, M. Rigo, Cubic Pisot Unit Combinatorial Games, Monat. fur Math. 155 (2008), 217 -- 249.
E. Charlier, M. Rigo, W. Steiner, Abstract numeration systems on bounded languages and multiplication by a constant, INTEGERS: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 8 (2008), #A35.
pdf E. Duchêne, M. Rigo, A morphic approach to combinatorial games : the Tribonacci case, Theor. Inform. Appl. 42 (2008), 375--393.
pdf M. Rigo, Syntactictal and automatic properties of sets of polynomials over finite fields, Finite Fields Appl. 14 (2008), 258--276.
pdf S. Nicolay, M. Rigo, About the frequency of letters in generalized automatic sequences, Theoret. Comp. Sci. 374 (2007), 25--40.
pdf P.J. Grabner, M. Rigo, Distribution of additive functions with respect to numeration systems on regular languages, Theory Comput. Syst. 40 (2007), 205--223.
pdf V. Berthé, M. Rigo, Odometers on regular languages, Theory Comput. Syst. 40 (2007), 1--31.
pdf M. Rigo, L. Waxweiler, A note on syndeticity, recognizable sets and Cobham's theorem, Bull. Eur. Assoc. Theor. Comput. Sci. EATCS 88 (2006), 169--173.
ps M. Rigo, W. Steiner, Abstract beta-expansion and ultimately periodic representations, J. Theor. Nombres Bordeaux 17 (2005), 288--299.
ps J. Honkala, M. Rigo, A note on decidability questions related to abstract numeration systems, Discrete Math. 285 (2004), 329--333.
ps P. Lecomte, M. Rigo, Real numbers having ultimately periodic representations in abstract numeration systems, Inform. and Comput. 192 (2004), 57--83.
ps M. Rigo, Characterizing Simpler recognizable sets of integers (long version), Studia Logica 76 (2004), 407--426.
ps M. Rigo, The commutative closure of a binary slip-language is context-free: a new proof, Discrete and Applied Math 131 (2003), 665--672.
ps P.J. Grabner, M. Rigo, Additive functions with respect to numeration systems on regular languages, Monat. fur Math. 139 (2003), 205--219.
ps M. Rigo, A. Maes, More on generalized automatic sequences, J. Autom., Lang. and Comb. 7 (2002), 351--376.
ps M. Rigo, Construction of regular languages and recognizability of polynomials, Discrete Math. 254 (2002), 485--496.
ps P. Lecomte, M. Rigo, On the representation of real numbers using regular languages, Theory Comput. Syst. 35 (2002), 13--38.
ps M. Rigo, Numeration systems on a regular language : Arithmetic operations, Recognizability and Formal power series, Theoret. Comp. Sci. 269 (2001), 469--498.
ps P. Lecomte, M. Rigo, Numerations systems on a regular language, Theory Comput. Syst. 34 (2001), 27--44.
ps M. Rigo, Generalization of automatic sequences for numeration systems on a regular language, Theoret. Comp. Sci. 244 (2000), 271--281.

Proceedings of international conference

orbi M. Rigo, P. Salimov, Another Generalization of Abelian Equivalence: Binomial Complexity of Infinite Words, WORDS 2013, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 8079, 217--228 Springer Verlag (2013), J. Karhumäki, L. Zamboni (Eds.).
orbi N. Rampersad, M. Rigo, P. Salimov, On the Number of Abelian Bordered Words, Proceedings of the 17th conference DLTL (Developments in Language Theory), Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 7907, 420--432 Springer Verlag (2013), M.-P. Béal, O. Carton (Eds.).
orbi M. Rigo, E. Vandomme, Syntactic complexity of ultimately periodic sets of integers, Proceedings of the fifth conference LATA (Languages and Automata, Theory and Applications), Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 6638, 477--488 Springer Verlag (2011), A.-H. Dediu, S. Inenaga, C. Martin-Vide (Eds.).
orbi E. Charlier, N. Rampersad, M. Rigo, L. Waxweiler, State complexity of testing divisibility, Proceedings of the Twelfth Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems DFCS 2010, Saskatoon, University of Saskatchewan, I. McQuillan, G. Pighizzini (Eds.).
orbi E. Charlier, N. Rampersad, M. Rigo, L. Waxweiler, Structure of the minimal automaton of a numeration language, LaCIM 2010, Montréal.
orbi M. Rigo, Numeration Systems: a Link between Number Theory and Formal Language Theory, Proceedings of Developments in Language Theory, London, Ontario, Canada (2010), Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 6224, 33--53 Springer-Verlag (2010)
pdf V. Halava, T. Harju, T. Kärki, M. Rigo, On the Periodicity of Morphic Words, Proceedings of Developments in Language Theory, London, Ontario, Canada (2010), Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 6224, 209--217 Springer-Verlag (2010).
pdf E. Duchêne , M. Rigo, Invariant games, Proceedings of WORDS 2009 (Univ. of Salerno, Italy).
pdf E. Charlier, T. Kärki, M. Rigo, A Characterization of Multidimensional S-Automatic Sequences, Actes des rencontres du CIRM, 1 (2009), p. 23--28, Numeration: Mathematics and Computer Science, 23-27 mars 2009, Marseille.
pdf T. Kärki, A. Lacroix, M. Rigo, On the Recognizability of Self-Generating Sets, Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Novy Smokovec, High Tatras, Slovakia (2009), Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 5734, 525--536, Springer-Verlag (2009).
pdf E. Charlier, M. Rigo, A Decision Problem for Ultimately Periodic Sets in Non-standard Numeration Systems, Proceedings of the 33th International Symposium: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (Torun 2008), Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 5162, 241--252, Springer-Verlag (2008).
pdf V. Berthé, C. Frougny, M. Rigo, J. Sakarovitch, On the cost and complexity of the successor function, Proceedings of WORDS 2007 (CIRM, Luminy, Marseille), P. Arnoux, N. Bédaride, J. Cassaigne (Eds.).
pdf V. Berthé, M. Rigo, Abstract Numeration Systems and Tilings, Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (Gdansk 2005), Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 3618, 131--143, Springer-Verlag (2005).
ps M. Rigo, Characterizing Simpler recognizable sets of integers, Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (Warsaw 2002), Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 2420, 615--624, Springer (2002).

Ph.D. Thesis

ps M. Rigo, Abstract numeration systems on a regular languages and recognizability, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Liège, March 2001.
pdf E. Charlier, Abstract Numeration Systems : Recognizability, Decidability, Multidimensional S-Automatic Words, and Real Numbers, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Liège, December 2009.
pdf L. Waxweiler, Caractère reconnaissable d'ensembles de polynômes à coefficients dans un corps fini, Thèse de doctorat, Université de Liège, Décembre 2009.
pdf M. Rigo, Systèmes de numération abstraits et combinatoire des mots, Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, juin 2010.
pdf A. Lacroix, Contributions to Recognizability: Self-generating Sets, Decidability, Automaticity and Multidimensional Sets, Thèse de doctorat, Université de Liège, May 2013.

Experimental Automata Toolkit (EAT)

ps Documentation of the Experimental Automata Toolkit package.
nb EAT Mathematica notebook, version 1.0 (december 2002).

Textes de vulgarisation scientifique (in French)

pdf M. Rigo, Mathémagie III, 39e congrès de la SBPMef, août 2013.
pdf M. Rigo, Le problème de Prouhet, 38e congrès de la SBPMef, août 2012, Losanges 19 (2012), 42--53.
pdf M. Rigo, Qui veut jouer avec moi ?, journées "Mathématiques en tête" organisée par la Société Libre de l'Emulation / Printemps des Sciences 2012.
pdf M. Rigo, Game over : Mathématiques et jeux vidéos , Printemps des Sciences 2011.
pdf M. Rigo, Mathémagie et au-delà (dossier), Printemps des Sciences 2010.
pdf M. Rigo, Mathémagie et au-delà (présentation "beamer"), Printemps des Sciences 2010.
pdf M. Rigo, Les codes correcteurs (dossier), Printemps des Sciences 2009.
pdf M. Rigo, Les codes correcteurs (présentation "beamer"), Printemps des Sciences 2009.
pdf M. Rigo, La matrice cachée de Google (dossier), Printemps des Sciences 2008.
pdf M. Rigo, La matrice cachée de Google (présentation "beamer"), Printemps des Sciences 2008.
pdf M. Rigo, Mathématiques et cryptographie, Printemps des Sciences 2007.
pdf M. Rigo, Mathématiques et cryptographie (présentation imprimable), Printemps des Sciences 2007.
pdf M. Rigo, Mathématiques et cryptographie (présentation complète), Printemps des Sciences 2007.
pdf M. Rigo, Peut-on avoir confiance en le commerce électronique ?, journées IFC, février 2006.
pdf M. Rigo, Automates et systèmes de numération, Bull. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liège 73 257--270, (2005).

Some slides

pdf 2-abelian complexity of the Thue-Morse sequence, Representing Streams, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Dec. 2012.
pdf Numeration systems: a Link between Number Theory and Formal Language Theory, Math. Colloquium VUB/ULB, Nov. 2012.
pdf On the concrete complexity of the successor function, Journées montoises d'informatique théorique, Louvain, septembre 2012.
pdf Autour des systèmes de numération abstraits, Journées Machines à états finis et Combinatoire, LTIS Rouen, Juin 2012.
pdf Recognizable sets of integers, 1st Joint Conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies, Liège, juin 2012.
pdf Extensions and restrictions of Wythoff's game preserving its P-positions, séminaire au LIAFA (Paris), octobre 2011.
pdf Arithmétique, Automates et Géométrie discrète, cours au Collège Belgique, 16 février 2011.
pdf Numeration systems: a Link between Number Theory and Formal Language Theory, invited talk, DLT 2010, 14th international conference, University Western Ontario, London.
pdf State complexity of testing divisibility, Numeration 2010, Leiden, (Juin 2010).
pdf Invariant Games, Words 2009, Salerno (Septembre 2009).
pdf Extensions and restrictions of wythoff's game preserving wythoff's sequence as set of P positions, Dynamical Aspects of Number Systems, Roma, (Février 2008).
pdf Ensembles reconnaissables de polynômes Sur un corps fini. LAMFA, Amiens (Septembre 2007).
pdf On the amortized cost of an odometer, Journées de Numération, Graz, (Avril 2007).
pdf Représentations des nombres réels dans un système de numération abstrait. LIAFA, Université Paris 7, (Janvier 2007).
pdf A Tribonacci game, Dynamical aspects of numeration, LIAFA (Décembre 2006).
pdf (Abstract) numeration systems : a general talk on numeration systems and recognizability.
pdf Syntactictal and automatic properties of sets of polynomials over finite fields, Interregionnal Colloquium of Mathematics, Trier (Octobre 2006).
pdf Abstract numeration systems : a survey. Invited talk to the "Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique", Rennes (Août 2006).