Photo de Julien Leroy

Julien Leroy

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Latest update: January 30, 2018 Version française





I am teaching assistant at the University of Liège in the team of discrete mathematics of the Institute of mathematics.

On this website, you can find information on my career, the list of my publications, some selected talks and my teaching experience.

Research topics

I am essentially interested in problems in symbolic dynamics and word combinatorics (subshifts and substitutive sequences, S-adic conjecture, Rauzy fractals,...) as well as problems in automata theory and number theory (generalizations of Cobham's theorem, continued fraction algotirhms,...).


Visit this website to be aware of the regular seminar of the discrete math. team of University of Liège.

The mathematics departement of ULg organize a MATh.en.JEANS meeting in April 28--30, 2017.

I intend to participate in the following events:

Short resume
